German I Vocabulary

Below you will find the vocabulary used in this course divided by unit.

Unit 1

German Term Part of Speech Gender Audio English Definition
Abend noun M evening
Abschiede noun PL farewells
Alphabet noun N alphabet
Apfel noun M apple
Äpfel noun (pl) PL apples
Auf Wiedersehen phrase   goodbye
Banane noun F Banana
Bis bald phrase   see you soon
Bis morgen phrase   see you tomorrow
Bis später phrase   see you later
Computer noun M Computer
Danke expression   thank you
drei number   three
du pronoun   you, informal
durch preposition   through
Elefant noun M elephant
Frau noun F woman
Fräulein noun N young woman
Freund noun M male friend
Freunde noun PL friends
Freundin noun F female friend
Fußball noun M soccer
Garten noun M garden
Grübe (Grüsse) noun PL greetings
Guten Abend phrase   Good Evening
Guten Morgen phrase   Good Morning
Gute Nacht phrase   Good Night
Guten Tag phrase   Good Afternoon/Day
Hallo expression   hi (informal)
Haus noun N house
hoch adjective   high
ich pronoun   I
Insel noun F island
Junge noun M boy
Kind noun N child
Koala noun M koala
Kultur noun F culture
Löwe noun M lion
Mann noun M man
Menschen noun PL people
mich pronoun   me
Morgen noun M morning
Mutter noun F mother
Nacht noun F night
Öl noun N oil
Ozean noun M ocean
Polizist noun M police
Quadrat noun N square
Ratte noun F rat
rüber adverb (contraction)   over
rund adjective   round
Salz noun N salt
schon adverb   already
schön adjective   pretty
Schule noun F school
Sie pronoun   you, formal
Straße noun F street
Tag noun M day
Telefon noun N telephone
Tschau expression   bye
Tschüß expression   bye
üben verb   to exercise
Universität noun F University
Vogel noun M bird
Wasser noun N water
Xylofon noun N xylophone
yoghurt noun M yogurt
Zebra noun N zebra


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