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Matter Review

Answer the following questions about different types of matter!

  1. Define matter.
    1. everything that has mass and takes up space
    2. everything that has an electric charge
    3. everything that can be seen with the unaided eye
    4. everything that is microscopic

    Answer: Everything that has matter and takes up space

  2. Few elements exist naturally by themselves. Most combine with other elements to form _____.
    1. mixtures
    2. moles
    3. compounds
    4. colloids

    Answer: Compounds

  3. Imagine you've found a bottle of an unknown substance that has 3 distinct parts - a dark liquid at the bottom of the bottle, a clear liquid similar to water in the middle, and a light yellow liquid at the top. How would you describe this unknown substance?
    1. heterogeneous mixture
    2. elements
    3. emulsion
    4. homogeneous mixture

    Answer: Heterogeneous mixture

  4. Xenon is an element, meaning it's ______.
    1. a pure substance
    2. a solid
    3. a heterogeneous mixture
    4. a molecule

    Answer: A pure substance

  5. Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?
    1. sand at the beach
    2. coffee
    3. fruit salad
    4. chocolate chip cookies

    Answer: Coffee

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