
It is a beautiful spring morning. The air is crisp and there is a thin blanket of dew on the ground. You stretch your arms as you rise out of bed. You are so excited that today is the first day of the festival. You go to your closet and put on your toga and sandals. Wait...toga and sandals!? The year is 531 B.C. and you are preparing to go to the social event of the year – the Dionysian Festival. What celebrity actors will be performing? Will your favorite playwright win it all again this year? This is the event of the year! What all Athenians looked forward to each year! And, you are going!


Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to...

  • Define appropriate theatre vocabulary from the Greek period.
  • Identify major playwrights and plays from the Greek period.
  • Identify characteristics of theatre during the Greek period.
  • Discuss theatre through the study of the culture that affected theatre during the Greek period.

Essential Questions

  • How does history and culture impact the development of theatrical works?

Enduring Understandings

  • Historical and cultural events dramatically influence the development of theatrical works.

The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: Theatre Proficient standards: 21, 22, 24.

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